The China Study
T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Facilitated by Walter Sorochan HSD, MPH.

The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

What you are about to read may be a real shocker!  A shocker because the new information defies the traditional information about nutrition.  Yes, much of the Western medicine belief system is now being challenged!  So put on yourself in neutral gear, have an open mind, be receptive and read on.

But before you do, you should know that this information is based on a 27-year China Project research that was done by Cornel University Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry and one of the directors of this study, Dr. T. Collin Campbell, PhD..  He and his son, Thomas M. Campbell, published their findings in a book: The China Study, in 2005.


The US National Cancer Institute (of NIH), along with the American Institute for Cancer Research (Washington, DC), provided the initial funds. The Imperial Cancer Research Fund in England also provided significant support for the Oxford University activity. Since 1993, the American Institute for Cancer Research has provided the primary funds.

However, the majority of the support for this study came from the Chinese people and their government. This support was 'in kind', resulting in the provision of approximately 800+ years of professional and technical labor.

By the way, the information about the China Study is not without controversy!  [ Walter Sorochan ] 

The science is clear. The results are unmistakable.

Changing your high meat diet  [ beef, poultry and milk ] can dramatically reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Misinformation and notions about health and cancer : 

n        Synthetic chemicals in the environment and in your food, as problematic as these may be, are not the main cause of cancer.

n        The genes that you inherit from your parents are not the most important factors in determining your predisposition to any of the leading causes of death. 

n        Obsessively controlling your intake of any one nutrient, such as carbohydrate, fat, cholesterol or omega-3 fats, will not result in long term health. 

n        Vitamins and mineral supplements do not give you long-term protection against disease. 

n        Drugs and surgery don’t cure the diseases that kill most Americans. 

n        Breast cancer is related to levels of female hormones in the blood which are determined by the food we eat. 

n        Children who ate the highest-protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer!  Low-protein diets blocked cancer growth. 

n        Cow’s milk protein, casein, which makes 87% of cow’s milk, promoted all stages of cancer process in humans.  Safe proteins from plants do not promote cancer. 

n        High animal protein diet makes the body acidic; creating a favorable environment for cancer to grow.  More Excerpts from book


There is a direct link between eating animal proteins [meats ] and cancer. 

fruits vegiproteins To lower your risk of cancer, switch to eating a vegetarian diet.  A vegetarian diet creates an alkali situation in the body which discourages cancer from growing.  A vegetarian diet can supply adequate safe protein.  Current private, commercial and government health organizations fail to mention this! 

Here is a summary of this new revealing research about nutrition, health and longevity: 

Source:    The_China_Study

  Principles of food and health

In the book, the authors describe their principles of food and health[2]:

  17dot1a  Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances.

  17dot1a   Vitamin supplements are not a panacea for good health.

  17dot1a   Animal proteins cause prostate cancer. 

  17dot1a   There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants.

  17dot1a  Genes do not determine disease on their own, they must be activated or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed.

  17dot1a  Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals.

  17dot1a  The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages can also halt or reverse it in its later stages.

  17dot1a  Nutrition that is beneficial for a particular chronic disease will support good health across the board.

  17dot1a  Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.

Basis for the principles of food and health

book china study The authors [ Campbell and Campbell ] state that their views are scientifically based, and that much of the evidence is obtained from human studies.[3] One such human study, The China Study, they describe as a comprehensive study of dietary and lifestyle factors associated with disease mortality in China[3] comparing the health consequences of diets rich in plant-based foods to diets very rich in plant-based foods[4] among people who are genetically similar.[5] The authors assert that the statistical evidence is strengthened by knowledge about how bodily processes are related to diet in a biologically plausible way, and they refer to this knowledge as the mechanism of action.[6]

The authors state that the China Study included a comparison of the prevalence of Western diseases (coronary heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and cancers of the colon, lung, breast, brain, stomach and liver)[7] in each county. The study was based on diet and lifestyle variables and found that one of the strongest predictors of Western diseases was blood cholesterol with a statistical significance level equal to or exceeding 99.9% certainty.[8]

The authors report that lower blood cholesterol levels are linked to lower rates of heart disease and cancer. They add that as blood cholesterol levels decreased from 170 mg/dl to 90 mg/dl, cancers of the liver, rectum, colon, lung, breast, leukemia, brain, stomach and esophagus (throat) decreased.[9] They also report that rates for some cancers varied by a factor of 100 from those counties with the highest rates to the counties with the lowest rates.[10]

The authors state that “as blood cholesterol levels in rural China rose in certain counties the incidence of “Western” diseases also increased. What made this so surprising was that Chinese levels were far lower than we had expected. The average level of blood cholesterol was only 127 mg/dl, which is almost 100 points less than the American average (215 mg/dl). ...Some counties had average levels as low as 94 mg/dl. ...For two groups of about twenty-five women in the inner part of China, average blood cholesterol was at the amazingly low level of 80 mg/dl.”[9]

Blood cholesterol levels correlated to diet, particularly animal protein

Statistical evidence: "Western" diseases correlated to concentration of blood cholesterol

The authors state that “several studies have now shown, in both experimental animals and in humans, that consuming animal-based protein increases blood cholesterol levels. Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol also raise blood cholesterol, although these nutrients are not as effective at doing this as is animal protein. In contrast, plant-based foods contain no cholesterol and, in various other ways, help to decrease the amount of cholesterol made by the body.”[11]

The authors also state that "these disease associations with blood cholesterol were remarkable, because blood cholesterol and animal-based food consumption both were so low by American standards. In rural China, animal protein intake (for the same individual) averages only 7.1 grams per day whereas Americans average 70 grams per day."[11]

The authors conclude that “the findings from the China Study indicate that the lower the percentage of animal-based foods that are consumed, the greater the health benefits—even when that percentage declines from 10% to 0% of calories. So it’s not unreasonable to assume that the optimum percentage of animal-based products is zero, at least for anyone with a predisposition for a degenerative disease.[12]

Mechanisms of action

The authors state that plants protect the body from disease because many of them contain both a large concentration of and a large variety of antioxidants, which protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.[13] The authors also state that Western diseases are correlated with growth, which is associated with the increased risk of initiation, promotion and progression of disease, and that growth is correlated with a diet high in animal protein.

The authors state that the consumption of animal protein increases the acidity of blood and tissues and that to neutralize this acid, calcium, a very effective base, is pulled from the bones. They also state that higher concentrations of calcium in the blood inhibit the process by which the body activates Vitamin D in the kidneys to calcitriol, a form that helps regulate the immune system.

Diseases linked to diet

The following is a partial list of diseases linked to diet, which are discussed in more detail in the book.

Autoimmune diseases

The authors state that the risk of developing Type I diabetes is strongly correlated with the consumption of cow's milk by infants.[14] The authors also state that autoimmune diseases such as Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis have certain common features and may share the same cause or causes.[15] The authors state that autoimmune diseases are more prevalent among people who live at higher geographic latitudes, and also among people who consume a diet high in animal protein, particularly cow's milk.[15] The authors state that Vitamin D is plausibly connected to both of these correlations.[16]

The authors state that Vitamin D is important for the proper regulation of the immune system.[16] The authors state that for people who live at higher geographic latitudes [ e.g. US-Canada border ], a lack of exposure to ultraviolet sunlight can result in their having a deficiency of Vitamin D.[17] They also state that the consumption of animal protein, especially cow's milk, result in higher concentrations of calcium in the blood, which inhibits the process by which the body activates Vitamin D in the kidneys to a form that helps repress the development of autoimmune diseases.[16][17]

Brain diseases

The authors state that cognitive impairment and dementia including Alzheimer's disease are linked to hypertension, high blood cholesterol and damage caused by free radicals, and that these risk factors can be controlled by diet.[18]

Breast cancer

The authors state that breast cancer is linked to the long-term exposure to higher concentrations of female hormones, which in turn is associated with early menarche - age at first menstruation, late menopause and a high concentration of blood cholesterol, and that all of these risk factors are linked to growth and a diet high in animal protein.[19] The authors state that the average Chinese woman is exposed to about 35% to 40% of the lifetime estrogen exposure of the average British or American woman, and that the rate of breast cancer among Chinese women is about one-fifth of the rate among western women.[20]

Colorectal cancer

The authors state that The China Study provides evidence that lower rates of colorectal cancer are associated with the consumption of plants high in fiber such as beans, leafy vegetables and whole grains.[21]


The authors described a diet study conducted by James D. Anderson, M.D., of 50 patients - 25 with Type I diabetes and 25 with Type II diabetes, who were taking medication in the form of insulin injections to control their blood glucose concentrations. The authors reported that after these patients switched from the American-style diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association to a high-fiber, low-fat, plant-based diet, the patients with Type I diabetes were able to reduce their medication by an average of 40% within 3 weeks of changing their diet and 24 of the 25 patients with Type II diabetes were able to stop taking their medication within weeks of changing their diet.[22]

Eye diseases

The authors state that diet studies show that a diet that includes carotenoids, which are found in colorful vegetables, provide protection from macular degeneration, an eye disease that can cause blindness, and that a diet that includes lutein, a particular antioxidant found in spinach, provides protection from cataracts.[23]

Heart disease

The authors state that cholesterol, saturated fats and animal protein are three nutrients that characterize animal-based foods, and they ask, "...isn't it perfectly reasonable to wonder whether animal-based food, and not just these three isolated nutrients, causes heart disease?"[24] The authors state that studies show that eating plant protein has a greater power to lower cholesterol levels than reducing fat or cholesterol intake.[25]

They add that "Western" diseases were relatively rare in China by western standards adding for example that "at the time of our study, the death rate from coronary heart disease was seventeen times higher among American men than rural Chinese men."[26]

Kidney stones

The authors state that the consumption of animal protein is linked to risk factors for the formation of kidney stones.[27] They state that increased levels of calcium and oxalate in the blood may result in kidney stones, and that recent research shows that kidney stone formation may be initiated by free radicals.[28]

Metabolism and incidence of obesity

The authors report that "the average calorie intake per kilogram of body weight was 30% higher among the least active Chinese than among average Americans. Yet, body weight was 20% lower."[29] The authors add that "consuming diets high in protein and fat transfers calories away from their conversion into body heat to their storage form as body fat (unless severe calorie restriction is causing weight loss.)"[30]

The authors state that "diet can cause small shifts in calorie metabolism that lead to big shifts in body weight" adding that "the same low-animal protein, low-fat diet that helps prevent obesity also allows people to reach their full growth potential."[31]


The authors state that osteoporosis is linked to the consumption of animal protein because animal protein, unlike plant protein, increases the acidity of blood and tissues. They add that to neutralize this acid, calcium, a very effective base, is pulled from the bones, which weakens them and puts them at greater risk for fracture.[32] The authors add that "in our rural China Study, where the animal to plant ratio [for protein] was about 10%, the fracture rate is only one-fifth that of the U.S."[33]

Statements on misinformation about nutrition

The authors state that "most, but not all, of the confusion about nutrition is created in legal, fully disclosed ways and is disseminated by unsuspecting, well-intentioned people, whether they are researchers, politicians or journalists."[34]

The authors also state that some people in very influential government and university positions have acted "to stifle open and honest scientific debate."[35]

The authors further state that "there are powerful, influential, and enormously wealthy industries that stand to lose a vast amount of money if Americans start shifting to a plant-based diet."[36]

Statements on current nutrition studies.

The authors add that current studies on nutrition are flawed because these studies are overly focused on the effects of varying amounts of individual nutrients among individuals consuming a high-risk diet, including high levels of animal-based protein.[37]

Professor T. Colin Campbell discusses in the video below his decades of NIH-funded research which show that meat and dairy promote cancer growth and a plant-based (vegan) diet can prevent and even reverse cancer. Covers the Oxford-Cornell-China Study.  

Cancer, heredity and lifestyle:  When people move from one are to another, they adopt a new lifestyle and diet.  Genes do not move or change from area to area; instead it is the diet and lifestyle that changes. 

Only 2 to 3 % of cancer is attributable to genes.  Vast majority of change is due to diet and lifestyle.

Cancer genes need fuel to be turned on.  This fuel is the animal protein.  When we ingest more protein than the body normally needs then this triggers the cancer genes to become activated. 

 Introduction & Dr. Campbell video


Table1  below illustrates that early cancer can be turned off or on by diet.

cancer-diet study

Did excess protein [20 %] activate cancer tumors in rats?  Cancer genes were turned on when the diet was over 5% animal protein at 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks.  Conversely, cancer regressed when protein diet was reduced to 5 %.  Nutrition is the mechanism that activates cancer genes.

Table 2 [ below ] illustrates dosage of protein that triggered cancer in experimental animals. 


More protein caused huge cancer tumors.  Normal 20% protein in diet turned on cancer tumor growth.  Protein is needed for body activity but when you eat above the required amount of approximately 10 %, then you increase the risk of cancer growth!  Animals with 5% protein were all thriving and healthy compared to those on a 20% on protein diet and all died.

In the bottom  of the above table, Campbell shows that even when experimental animals had a big cancer tumor, the cancer could be turned off and reversed.

Incidentally 20% soy protein did not have this affect of triggering cancer growth.  Neither did wheat gluten! 

Casein is a carcinogen far more dangerous than many chemicals! 

Nutrition is about a total holistic effect on health and disease.  Nutrients work collectively together and not in isolation.  So you need to study nutrition from the aspect of all nutrients being together and working synergistically. 

That high animal protein diet causes high cholesterol was discovered in 1908 and studied in the 1940-1950's.  Today, cholesterol can be controlled more successfully by diet  than by prescription pills! 

Campbell observes that "nutrition is what is taking place behind the scenes." The little guys on main street haven't got a chance in today's political-economic world! Reason:  Information in this article is suppressed by big money in agriculture and food companies and indirectly by FDA.  Policy is set by corporations, not common sense scientists.  Its all about who controls information and makes policy!  Control comes from who has the money to keep information coming.  Reforming health care will make little difference  in the big picture of personal health if we do not focus on correcting the diets of the people. The medical problems will continue and the medical bills will continue to be sky high. 

Quick background comments about Campbell’s book:

Praise from esteemed researchers: Praise for China Study

[ This is a summary from Wikopedia Reference:  Wikipedia: The_China_Study ] 

T. Colin Campbell has made a career of challenging the conventional wisdom around nutrition, and this book is the culmination of his work. His integrity, brilliance, and unflinching courage shine through every page.

The main point of this book is that most nutritional studies that we hear about in the media are poorly constructed because of what the author terms "scientific reductionism." That is, they attempt to pin down the effects of a single nutrient in isolation from all other aspects of diet and lifestyle.

While this is the "gold standard" for clinical trials in the pharmaceutical world, it just doesn't work when it comes to nutrition. Given that the Western diet is extremely high fat and high protein compared to most of the rest of the world, studies that examine slight variations in this diet (i.e., adding a few grams of fiber or substituting skim milk for full fat milk) are like comparing the mortality rates of people who smoke five packs of cigarettes a day vs. people who smoke only 97 cigarettes a day.

Campbell's research, which he describes in a very accessible and engaging fashion, has two tremendous advantages over the typical nutritional study. First, there is the China Study itself - a massive series of snapshots of the relationship between diet and disease in over 100 villages all over China. The rates of disease differ greatly from region to region, and Campbell and his research partners (including some of the most distinguished scholars and epidemiologists in the world) carefully correlated these differences with the varying diets of the communities.

It's not lazy "survey research" either - the researchers don't rely on their subjects' memory to determine what they ate and drank. The researchers also observed shopping patterns and took blood samples to cross-validate all the data.

The second amazing part of Campbell's research method is his refusal to accept any finding without taking it back to his lab and finding out how exactly it works. In other words, we discover in The China Study not only in what way, but precisely how, the foods we eat can either promote or compromise our health.

The book is part intellectual biography / hero's journey (although Campbell is always wonderfully humble - there's no trace of self-congratulation, just a deep gratitude for what he has experienced), part nutrition guide (the most honest and unflinching one you'll ever read), and part expose. The final section leaves no sacred cow standing, and names names! From the food industry, to the government, to academia, Campbell calmly reports on a coverup of nutritional truth so widespread and insidious that all citizens should be enraged.

People who ate the highest amount of animal meat were most susceptible to cancer! 

The China Study (ISBN 1-932100-38-5) is a 2005 book by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II. Dr. Campbell is a professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and one of the directors of the China Project.[1]

The book examines the relationship between the consumption of animal products and illnesses such as cancers of the breast, prostate, and large bowel, diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, degenerative brain disease, and macular degeneration. "The China Study" referred to in the title is the China Project, a "survey of death rates for twelve different kinds of cancer for more than 2,400 counties and 880 million (96%) of their citizens" conducted jointly by Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine over the course of twenty years.

The authors introduce and explain the conclusions of scientific studies, which have correlated animal-based diets with disease. The authors conclude that diets high in animal protein (including casein in cow's milk) are strongly linked to diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes. 

Recommendations:  The authors recommend that people eat a whole food, plant-based diet and avoid consuming beef, poultry and milk as a means to minimize and/or reverse the development of chronic disease. The authors also recommend that people take in adequate amounts of sunshine in order to maintain sufficient levels of Vitamin D and consider taking dietary supplements of vitamin B12. The authors criticize "low carb" diets (such as the Atkins diet), which include restrictions on the percentage of calories derived from complex carbohydrates.  Reference:  The China Study

The science is clear. The results are unmistakable. 

Change your diet and dramatically reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

More Background of research:  Respected nutrition and health researcher, Dr. T. Colin Campbell reveals the truth behind special interest groups, government entities and scientists that have taken Americans down a deadly path

still obese and children are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, typically an “adult” disease, at an alarming rate. If we’re eating healthier, why are Americans stricken with heart disease as much as we were 30 years ago?

Drawing on the project findings in rural China, but going far beyond those findings, The China Study details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The report also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and opportunistic scientists. The New York Times has recognized the study (China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project) as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology” and the “most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.”

“After a long career in research and policy-making, I have decided to step ‘out of the system.’ I have decided to disclose why Americans are so confused,” said Dr. Campbell. “As a taxpayer who foots the bill for research and health policy in America, you deserve to know that many of the common notions you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong.”

“I[ Campbell ] propose to do nothing less than redefine what we think of as good nutrition. You need to know the truth about food, and why eating the right way can save your life.”

Early in his career as a researcher with MIT and Virginia Tech, Dr. Campbell worked to promote better health by eating more meat, milk and eggs -- “high-quality animal protein … It was an obvious sequel to my own life on the farm and I was happy to believe that the American diet was the best in the world."

He later was a researcher on a project in the Philippines working with malnourished children. The project became an investigation for Dr. Campbell, as to why so many Filipino children were being diagnosed with liver cancer, predominately an adult disease. The primary goal of the project was to ensure that the children were getting as much protein as possible.

“In this project, however, I uncovered a dark secret. Children who ate the highest protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer...” He began to review other reports from around the world that reflected the findings of his research in the Philippines.

Although it was “heretical to say that protein wasn’t healthy,” he started an in-depth study into the role of nutrition, especially protein, in the cause of cancer.

The research project culminated in a 20-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, a survey of diseases and lifestyle factors in rural China and Taiwan. More commonly known as the China Study, “this project eventually produced more than 8000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease.”

The findings? “People who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease … People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease. These results could not be ignored,” said Dr. Campbell.

In The China Study, Dr. Campbell details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and also its ability to reduce or reverse the risk or effects of these deadly illnesses. The China Study also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and irresponsible scientists.

The China Study is not a diet book. Consumers are bombarded with conflicting messages regarding health and nutrition; the market is flooded with popular titles like The Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet. The China Study cuts through the haze of misinformation and delivers an insightful message to anyone living with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and those concerned with the effects of aging. Additionally, he challenges the validity of these low-carb fad diets and issues a startling warning to their followers.


Critics of this book highlight the worry that, despite some useful work in denouncing Western health care systems and the necessity of obtaining nutrients from foods, it is biased towards the Vegan lifestyle. It is accused of ignoring evidence that does not back-up Veganism [38] such as on page 221, where Campbelldeclares, "Folic acid is a compound derived exclusively from plant-based foods such as green and leafy vegetables." The USDA database reveals that the most folate-dense foods are organ meats. Source:

Chris Masterjohn criticism of China Study: Critique of China Study

A vegetarian endorsement

Praise from esteemed scholars: Praise for China Study



  1. ^ Arnold, Wilfred Niels (October 2005). "The China Study". Leonardo (MIT Press) 38 (5): 436. 
  2. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 223-240)
  3. ^ a b (Campbell 2006, p. 21)
  4. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 75)
  5. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 72)
  6. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 41)
  7. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 76)
  8. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 77)
  9. ^ a b (Campbell 2006, p. 78-79)
  10. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 71)
  11. ^ a b (Campbell 2006, p. 80)
  12. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 242)
  13. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 92-93)
  14. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 187-194)
  15. ^ a b (Campbell 2006, p. 198-199)
  16. ^ a b c (Campbell 2006, p. 200)
  17. ^ a b (Campbell 2006, p. 361-368)
  18. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 218-219)
  19. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 87)
  20. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 88)
  21. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 92)
  22. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 151-152)
  23. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 214-216)
  24. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 119-120)
  25. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 119)
  26. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 79)
  27. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 212)
  28. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 213-214)
  29. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 99)
  30. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 101)
  31. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 102)
  32. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 205)
  33. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 208)
  34. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 250)
  35. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 266)
  36. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 249)
  37. ^ (Campbell 2006, p. 272)
  38. ^
  39. References

Campbell, T. Colin (2006), The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health, Benbella Books, ISBN 1-932100-38-5

The official website promoting the book "The China Study" China-Cornell-Oxford Project:  
        China-Cornell-Oxford Study  
        The China Study

T. Colin Campbell's Response to Questions Raised About the Book, "The China Study. Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health" Tom Billings - "The Cornell China Project: Authoritative Proof, or Misinterpretation by Dietary Advocates?" - "Professor T. Colin Campbell PhD: Animal protein (meat and dairy) causes cancer" [show] Links to related articles v • d • eVegetarianism
Diets and rebuttal to vegetarian link   Video Interview with Dr. Campbell:
HEALTHY LIVING Dr. T. Colin Campbell's The China Study: Reducing Risk of Disease Through a Vegan Diet-Part 1 - A funny movie is a click away